UE4 Paper-Edge Material


A custom material I put together in UE4 for our game Life Unfolds. With this I can easily paint textures on to a surface through vertex painting. Each channel, R, G, B, and A, is used to layer on a separate texture. The challenge that we faced was to be able to paint a hard edge texture on to a low poly mesh without a soft gradient blend. With the help of a repeatable cloud texture pattern from Photoshop, I was able to paint on a texture with a ripped paper-like edge to match our papercraft style world.

Life Unfolds Official Website

Life Unfolds Vertex Painting Shader Demo Paper Edge Shader0 Paper Edge Shader1 Paper Edge Shader2 Paper Edge Shader3 Paper Edge Shader4 Paper Edge Shader5 Paper Edge Shader6 Paper Edge Shader7 Paper Edge Shader8